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Cadillac Light Up Emblem Installation Guide

Cadillac Light Up Emblem Installation Guide

Cadillac Light Up Emblem Installation Introduction:

 There are two methods to install your car’s LED emblem light. The first method uses the car’s wiring harness and connector, while the second method involves incorporating it into your fuse box. This guide will walk you through both installation methods. 

Important Note: The LED light up emblem lights will function differently depending on the installation method you choose. 


Differences Between Cadillac Light Up Emblem Installation Methods:

Method 1:The emblem lights up with animation when you unlock your car using the key. 

Method 2:The emblem lights up with animation when you start your car and remains illuminated while driving. 


Method 1: Installing Your Dynamic LED Emblem Using the Wiring Harness


1. Locate the Daytime Running Light Circuit: 

– Find the multi-port connector behind your headlights, which varies by vehicle model. You can easily find this information online. 

Note: The red wire is the positive circuit, and the black wire is the negative circuit. 

2. Connect the Negative Pin: 

– Insert the negative pin into the negative port on the connector by identifying another black wire in the connector using the diagram below. 

3. Connect the Positive Pin:-

Insert the positive pin (red) at the end of your emblem wiring into the connector’s positive port on the headlamp connector. 

Test the circuit by unlocking your vehicle or turning it on. If the emblem lights up, secure the connector back into the headlight. 


Method 2: Installing Your Dynamic LED Emblem Using the Fuse Box


1. Connect the Negative Ground Loop: 

-Locate the negative ground loop at the end of the black wire (see diagram below). 

-Loosen a bolt connected to the car body, insert the loop under the bolt, and tighten it securely to form a strong ground connection. 


2. Find and Replace a Fuse: 

– Identify a fuse that only activates when the car is switched on (not permanently live) by consulting the fuse box diagram, vehicle manual, or online resources. 

– Example fuses include window switches or daytime running lights. 

– Remove the existing 10A or 15A fuse and replace it with the LED emblem fuse. 


3. Test Your LED Emblem:

– Switch on your car to see if the emblem lights up.
By following these steps, you can successfully
Cadillac Light Up Emblem installation using either method. Enjoy your newly illuminated emblem!

Our store provides cadillac light up emblem with one with year warranty for all modles.

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